Chesapeake Ghosts Team

Meet the Chesapeake Ghost Tour Team

Storytellers, Guides, and Helpers

The  Chesapeake Ghost Tour team includes storytellers, tour guides, and administrative staff. The company was founded by Mindie Burgoyne in 2014. She wrote and designed all of the tours and provided training for the storytellers. Occasionally, Mindie still does a ghost tour when a fill-in is needed.

Our guides were avid history and /or paranormal fans before they joined our team. Six of the guides earned their certification from the National Association of Interpretation as Certified Interpretive Guides – CIG™ which is the national standard for interpretation. Our guides are some of the most committed, friendly, and knowledgeable people you’ll ever meet, and they each could entertain you for hours with their storytelling capabilities.

Our Storytellers

Glenn IrwinGlenn Irwin,

GUIDE for Ocean City
Glenn formerly served as the Executive Director of the Ocean City Development Corporation until his retirement last year. Glen gained a wealth of knowledge while serving Ocean City and helped us craft our Ocean City tour.

Mary RaleyMary Raley, CIG™

GUIDE for Berlin, Ocean City, & Runaway Bride
Mary is a wife and mom living in Worcester County. She volunteers part-time at the Berlin Visitor Center and is also part of the arts culture in Worcester County. She’s an awesome storyteller who guides the Berlin and Ocean City tours. Mary also guides our Runaway Bride Movie Tour

Karen Moschini, CIG™

GUIDE for Ocean City and Berlin
Karen and her husband live in Ocean Pines. She has three beautiful daughters and two wonderful grandchildren. Karen is the guide and storyteller for our Ocean City and Berlin tours.

Christopher WrightChristopher Wright, CIG™

GUIDE: Pocomoke, Princess Anne, and Snow Hill Tours, Leader of Paranormal Investigations
Christopher and his wife live in Salisbury, and he leads the Snow Hill, Pocomoke and Princess Anne Ghost Walks. Chris also guides our Paranormal Investigations and is a true believer in all things ghostly.

Michael DayMichael Day, CIG™

GUIDE for Salisbury
Michael is a native of Salisbury and has served on the City Council, and various arts organizations, and he’s been the Main Street Director for three Eastern Shore towns – Pocomoke, Snow Hill, and Berlin. His experience in local history is vast, and his wealth of knowledge and storytelling ability will keep you entertained.

Ferrell Santacroce, CIG™

GUIDE for Ocean City, Pocomoke, Princess Anne
Ferrell is an experienced photographer and passionate storyteller / lover of the Eastern Shore. She is currently from Salisbury.

Ryan Anthony

GUIDE for Cambridge
Ryan is a journalist writing for the Daily Banner. He also does voice-overs for several podcasts and is an expert storyteller.  He lives in Cambridge and will be one of the guides for the Cambridge Ghost Walk.

Erin LewisErin Lewis

GUIDE for St. Michaels, Easton
Erin has long been a fan of the paranormal and a fan of our tours.  We’ve finally persuaded her to join the team as a guide. Her engaging personality makes her an excellent storyteller and she’s local to the Talbot County area.

Our Admin Team

Joanne Marshall

Customer Service and Admin
Joanne answers the Ghost Phone, helps guests with ticketing and directions, and coordinates the guides and guests on tour nights.  She is the friendly voice you hear when you call us, and she’s always happy to help. Joanne is a lover of cats and she’s pictured here with her boy, Jinn.

Natalie Chabot

Director of Marketing and Product Development
Natalie is from Cambridge and oversees Customer Service, Guide Management, Marketing, and Product Development. Formerly she served as Director of Tourism for Dorchester, Caroline, and Allegany Counties in Maryland, and Director of Economic Development for the City of Cambridge (MD). Natalie also serves on the Maryland Heritage Area Authority.

Mindie Burgoyne, StorytellerMindie Burgoyne,  CIG™

Mindie Burgoyne is the founder of Chesapeake Ghost Tours. She wrote all of the tours and occasionally leads walks when a guide is not available. She also conducts storytelling sessions around the state of Maryland. Mindie has written four books on the haunted Eastern Shore, published by The History Press.  She is a Certified Interpretive Guide (CIG™), and currently serves as the President of the Beach to Bay Heritage Area.  Mindie lives in Salisbury, MD

This Team Loves to Have Fun

Chesapeake Ghosts Team


Glenn Irwin wins Storyteller of the Year for 2024
Glenn Irwin wins Storyteller of the Year for 2024




Chesapeake Ghosts Team