When the weather forecasters predict bad weather, ticket-holders start calling to see if the ghost walk for that night is still on. We always tell them what we have written on every page of our website … “We walk in the rain. We love the rain. We only cancel a walk if the weather presents a threat to public safety.”
The truth is … that it rains all the time on the Eastern Shore and the weather is sporadic. Trying to dodge the wind and rain is like trying to dodge the mosquitoes. It’s best to just buy some insect repellent and focus on taking in the magical Eastern Shore landscape in its present state. Rain can be quite beautiful.
5 reasons why we don’t cancel ghost walks due to rain
- Rain is often predicted in a region but doesn’t occur in the ghost walk locality.
- There are MANY die-hard fans of ghost tours who register for our walks who are perfectly willing to walk in the rain and will show up and complete the walk.
- It is very difficult for us to cancel a walk because we have walks in nearly a dozen locations spreading over a 150 linear miles, and we have to phone every guests who ordered. Some guests are traveling long distances and may be difficult to reach. Our worst fear is a guest shows up at a walk and no one is there.
- Rain provides a awesome background to a ghost walk. It strips away a little bit of the surface perception. It tends to calm the mind and bring the mystical landscape more into focus.
- We love the rain.
Remember the old Scandinavian proverb:
There is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.

Walks may be cancelled on rare occasions.
Though we love the rain, we will not put our guest in harm’s way. If we deem the current weather to be threatening to public safety – situations such as ice, lightning, flooding or hurricane force winds, we will cancel the walk, do our best to contact every single registered guest, and refund ticket money or issue a certificate for a new walk.
On the rare occasion that the weather creates a situation where a walk in progress can’t continue, the guide will end the walk and all attending guests will get a certificate for a walk of their choice that can be used within one year.
We love the rain!
Water magnifies energy spirits use to manifest themselves.
So don’t let a little rain and wind keep you away. Our friend Allyson Walsh who is a psychic medium out of Annapolis, told us that water and rain act like conduits for spirit energy. The energy that spirits need to manifest themselves in our present is magnified by water.
What better setting could there be for a ghost walk. Bring on the rain!

On every ghost walk page on our website, we make the following reference to weather and cancellations.
DRESS & WEATHER: Ghost Walk begins on time. Please meet fifteen minutes prior to the start. We walk in all kinds of weather except when it poses a hazard to public safety. Dress for the weather. Please include CELL PHONE number on registration in case we need to contact guests regarding a cancellation.
- Bring your umbrella if it looks like rain
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Bring a flashlight.
- Bring your camera. That’s part of the fun.
CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS: Full refund will be given if cancellation is made 48 hours prior to the tour’s start. If cancellation is NOT made within 48 hours of the tour, no refunds will be given. However, all registrations are transferable, so feel free to allow a friend or family member to attend in your place. Just give them your order voucher.
Must go on one of these!