GHOST & GRAVEYARD BUS TOURS – Hop on the bus and join the fun.
GHOST AND GRAVEYARD bus tours for those who prefer a more extended tour that includes some of the more rural areas of the Eastern Shore – not featured on our ghost walks. We visit some of the most haunted properties on Delmarva.
Bus tours are about 4 hours long. Guests deboard the bus at several locations – graveyards, historic buildings, etc. where there IS walking. Guests have the option to stay on the bus but could miss some interesting sites. AND on the bus tours, there are some properties that we GO INSIDE -( see description for listing).
2020 Winter/Spring Bus Tours
Heroes & Villains & Graves $45
(Easton, Tunis Mills, St. Michaels, Oxford, Trappe)
Witches, sea captains, sailors, ladies of the evening and lost children are all subjects of the haunted sites on this 4-5 hour bus tour of haunted Talbot County, MD! Also included – the Hanging Tree, Unionville Colored Troops (Civil War), The Harrison Graves (not open to the public) and a stop INSIDE the Robert Morris Inn.
Tubman Trail & Swamps of Dorchester $45
(Cambridge, Blackwater, Hoopers Island, Crapo, Bucktown)
Big Lizz, Spirits of the Enslaved in the endless farm fields of Dorchester, Wildman of Crocheron, the Missing Souls of Wingate, Seven Gates of Hell, Phantom Coffins near Taylors Island and UFO sightings in Blackwater. Plus “Mary’s Ghost” at Old Salty’s.
Trail of Sorrows $45
(Denton, Preston, Patty Cannon, Woodland)
Underground Railroad, Denton Jail, Maggie’s Bridge, Patty Cannon, Marshall Price’s Grave. Take a walk through Linchester Mill and its grounds – the last crossing on the Underground Railroad – plus the most haunted property on the Eastern Shore – the DENTON JAIL.
Haunted Crossroads of Delmarva $55
(Salisbury, Furnace Town, Snow Hill )
Poplar Hill Mansion, Firehouse Headquarters, Wicomico Courthouse, Furnace Town, Holloway Hall, Warren Mansion and 2 Graveyards. Walk the haunted grounds of Furnace Town inside the most haunted forest in Maryland. Stand on the grounds of three murders and hear about the spirits of the enslaved at the oldest home in Salisbury.
PRICE INCLUDES admission costs for entry to Poplar Hill Mansion and Furnace Town Living Heritage Museum.