Category Archives: Ghost Stories

Ghost stories as written by Mindie Burgoyne

Ocean City Trimpers Carousel

Spirit that Haunts Trimper’s Carousel

The Trimper’s Carousel in Ocean City Maryland is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a lady who loved the carousel very much. Sometimes when you’re standing close to the carousel, be still and reach out in your mind to her. Ask her to let you know she’s there … and you might just get a whiff of her perfume.

Ocean City Trimpers Carousel

The Trimper’s Carousel is the oldest continually operational carousel in America. It’s been operational – sitting in the same spot since Daniel Trimper purchased it in 1912 from the Herschell-Spillman Company in New York. It has 47 animals, 3 chariots and a rocking chair – all intricately carved by German artists over 100 years ago. Today Trimper’s employes a mechanic and artist who both specialize in antique rides and machinery. The Carousel is located in the “Carousel House” near the inlet on the Boardwalk along with Trimper’s other antique rides. Just checking out the artistry in these rides is worth a trip to Ocean City. Continue reading Spirit that Haunts Trimper’s Carousel

Snow Hill Inn historic photo - formerly Aydelotte House

Snow Hill Inn – My First Ghost Story

The Snow Hill Inn was the first haunted building I ever wrote about.  I became interested in the stories of unexplained events, candles lighting themselves, people getting locked in rooms, beds shaking in the middle of the night, strange reflections appearing in mirrors and windows opening and shutting at will shortly after I took a job working for the Town of Snow Hill in 2002.


The Snow Hill Inn was open for lunch and dinner and conveniently located in the historic downtown.  I heard many of the haunted stories from people who had actually experienced something.  Local people called this ghost “J.J.” and told about how the Inn was his childhood home and how he committed suicide by cutting his own throat.  His daddy was a mean old town doctor and J.J. was failing out of Pharmacology school. So he ended it all in a bloody mess right after he penned a note to his father saying, “…it is useless to keep me at school…” Continue reading Snow Hill Inn – My First Ghost Story

Berlin Odd Fellows Hall

The Odd Fellows (IOOF) – Skeletons in Their Closets

Easton and Berlin are two of the towns on the Chesapeake Ghost Walks that have lodges built by the Independent Order of the Odd Fellows (IOOF) and both are reportedly haunted.  Maybe “haunted” is the wrong word.  Mystical better describes these buildings.

The Odd Fellows (IOOF) is a fraternal organization that was founded in England in the 1600s.  At that time people in society were class conscious and few helped their neighbors.  When people got sick or their loved ones died, they were left to fend for themselves.  Many didn’t have enough money to bury their own dead.  Continue reading The Odd Fellows (IOOF) – Skeletons in Their Closets

Robert Morris Inn – Guest Flees in the Night

The building that is now the Robert Morris Inn in Oxford – Talbot County, Maryland – dates back to 1710.  It was always an inn or tavern.  During the earliest part of Maryland’s Colonial period, Oxford was the state’s 2nd largest port city (2nd to Annapolis).  It was a thriving and booming town for the time.

Robert Morris Inn - Oxford MD
Robert Morris Inn – Oxford MD

The Innkeepers at the Robert Morris Inn shared a letter with me that was written by a guest who left in a hurry without breakfast … and breakfast is a BIG perk at the Robert Morris Inn. A portion of the letter is shown below. Here’s what the lady wrote: Continue reading Robert Morris Inn – Guest Flees in the Night

Plain Dealing Creek near the old Chamberlain plantation.

The Witches of Plain Dealing Creek – Valliant Brothers Murder

There have only ever been 5 witch trials recorded in Maryland’s history and two them were alleged witches who lived and practiced on Plain Dealing Creek in Talbot County.  The creek was also the site of the Valliant brothers legend where one brother murdered the other over buried treasure.  Continue reading The Witches of Plain Dealing Creek – Valliant Brothers Murder