Tag Archives: Worcester County

Snow Hill Inn historic photo - formerly Aydelotte House

Snow Hill Inn – My First Ghost Story

The Snow Hill Inn was the first haunted building I ever wrote about.  I became interested in the stories of unexplained events, candles lighting themselves, people getting locked in rooms, beds shaking in the middle of the night, strange reflections appearing in mirrors and windows opening and shutting at will shortly after I took a job working for the Town of Snow Hill in 2002.


The Snow Hill Inn was open for lunch and dinner and conveniently located in the historic downtown.  I heard many of the haunted stories from people who had actually experienced something.  Local people called this ghost “J.J.” and told about how the Inn was his childhood home and how he committed suicide by cutting his own throat.  His daddy was a mean old town doctor and J.J. was failing out of Pharmacology school. So he ended it all in a bloody mess right after he penned a note to his father saying, “…it is useless to keep me at school…” Continue reading Snow Hill Inn – My First Ghost Story