Tag Archives: Oxford MD

The Robert Morris Inn in Oxford, MD

My Scary Night at the Robert Morris Inn in Oxford

I knew the Robert Morris Inn was haunted, but I never expected to have my own ghostly experience there. Out of the 140 + ghost stories I’ve collected on the Eastern Shore, I’ve only had a handful of personal experiences at these sites.  The Robert Morris Inn is one of those places.

The Robert Morris Inn in Oxford, Maryland has been an anchor for the town since 1710 when it was built – and Oxford was one of the largest ports in Maryland. The building was always an inn or tavern, and  was there long before Robert Morris ever set foot in the place. It only  took on his name once the wealthy developer moved into it.

In my post Robert Morris Inn – Guest Flees in the NightI tell the story of a guest who fled Room 1 in the middle of the night because of the ghostly happenings that went on in the room.  She left a note that described some of what happened.  What a great story that was!  I figured the guest was some kind of psychic medium who was in touch with spirits.  Those kinds of things rarely happen to me. Continue reading My Scary Night at the Robert Morris Inn in Oxford