Tag Archives: Haunted Forests

Pocomoke Forest - most haunted forest in Maryland

Ghost Walk into the Pocomoke Forest

Have you ever taken a night-time walk into a haunted forest?  The Pocomoke Ghost Walk trail meanders 1/4 of a mile into this thick cypress swamp while the guide tells stories of the haunted forest and spirits that lurk there.

The Goat Man of the Pocomoke River

One such story is Goat Man of Pocomoke Forest.  For years it’s been seen – a kind of Big Foot character who has a man’s body with the head of a goat – with horns.  He runs through the swampy forest very light on his feet. He survives by eating small animals and fish he catches in the Pocomoke River. You hear the Goat Man as he steps on brush and twigs in the swamp.  You know hear that noise and know that the area where it came from is nothing but marsh mud and quick sand.  No man or heavy animal could walk there.  But the Goat Man can. Continue reading Ghost Walk into the Pocomoke Forest