Products and Services

Chesapeake Ghost Tours provides services other than ghost tours. From Storytelling Sessions to step on guide services to consulting services to help you craft your own ghost tour product and business. Please see below and call the Ghost Phone for more information.

  • Storytelling Sessions

  • Bus tour step-on guide services

  • Consultant services for designing a ghost tour


Ghost Storytelling sessions are ideal for parties or gatherings where people would rather sit and listen than walk. You pick the area of focus based on the towns our stories cover. A trained storyteller will present the haunted tales to your group at a venue you choose.
Cost is $350 for 1.5 hours. Fee for Mindie Burgoyne to do the Storytelling session is $500.

Conferences, Family Reunions, Real Estate Events, Fam Tours ,and private parties.
Chesapeake Ghost Tours can craft a Ghost Storytelling Session based on any location you desire on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. A certified will present those stories to your guests at a private party, a conference, a family gathering, or an event of your choice.

A trained storyteller will engagingly present the ghost stories and possibly include photographs of the haunted sites (based on equipment available) just as if she or he were guiding the tour in the actual location.

Each Storytelling Session will cover the history of the identified location, and then bring forward the haunted history telling a different side of familiar landmarks such as courthouses, jails, stately homes, and other public buildings. Guests will enjoy hearing the stories and getting to know some of the local historic ghosts and characters.

Whether you have 10 people around a patio fire or 500 people in an auditorium, the Ghost Storytelling Session brings the ghost tour to you and your friends in your locality. Each session lasts about 60 to 90 minutes.

What you get when you book a Storytelling Session:

  1. A Chesapeake Ghost Tours storyteller who will engage your audience with stories of haunted sites and spirits about whichever location you choose.
  2. If the venue allows, a pictorial presentation showing images of the sites and in some cases, images of the suspected spirits that haunt the place.
  3. The opportunity to ask the storyteller questions after the presentation.
  4. The opportunity to buy books about the haunted sites featured.
  5. 60 to 90 minutes of engaging fun.

What you must provide at booking:

  1. The venue or place to have the storytelling session. Any cost related to the venue is incurred by the person or entity booking the session. Chesapeake Ghost Tours does not offer a place to hold the event.
  2. Projection equipment (Television / computer / projector). If this equipment is provided, the storyteller can bring photo images of the haunted sites on a thumb drive and project them on the screen while telling the stories. If this equipment is not provided, the storyteller will not be able to provide photo images.
  3. Identify a town or region to feature in the storytelling session. Choices can be made from our list of towns or you can choose to have a session that features the entire Eastern Shore of Maryland.
  4. Register for the Storytelling Session at least two weeks in advance. Deposit of $100 is due at registration. Final payment (non-refundable) is due one week prior to the session. Cost is $350. There is no minimum number of people required.
  5. Fee for having Mindie Burgoyne as the storyteller is $500.

Ghost Storytelling Sessions are Ideal for:

CONFERENCES: A Ghost Storytelling Session is an ideal component for conferences when the event planner wants an entertaining, program meant to relax the guests and perhaps familiarize them with the area.

PARTIES and FAMILY REUNIONS & GATHERINGS: Offer your party guests something unusual. They’ll never forget a Ghost Storytelling Session. Good for all ages. If your family roots are on the Eastern Shore, why not have a Storyteller at a family reunion?

ACTIVITY FOR THOSE IN HOSPITALS & ASSISTED LIVING: If you want to give a special gift to a group of people who are lively at heart but can’t manage to get out to do a ghost walk in person, a Storytelling Session can be entertaining and fun.

FAM TOURS: Incorporate a Virtual Ghost tour in fam tours offered to familiarize visitors or marketing partners with your area.

REAL ESTATE EVENTS: Want to familiarize prospective buyers or agents with the area in an entertaining but informative setting? Virtual Ghost Walks can be done in small groups with a large computer monitor or even and iPad.


For information on how to book a Storytelling session, contact us at 443.735.0771 or email us at

Bus Tour Step-on Guide Services

If you have a group coming to the Eastern Shore by bus, Chesapeake Ghosts can offer step-on-guide services that cover a 3-hour tour of various regions on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Here are the products we can offer:

Heroes & Villains & Graves
(Easton, Tunis Mills, St. Michaels, Oxford, Trappe)

Witches, sea captains, sailors, ladies of the evening, and lost children are all subjects of the haunted sites on this 3-4 hour bus tour of haunted Talbot County, MD! Also included – the Hanging Tree, Unionville Colored Troops (Civil War), The Harrison Graves (not open to the public), and a stop INSIDE the Robert Morris Inn with stories of the “Witches of Plain Dealing.”

Harriet Tubman Trail & Swamps of Dorchester
(Cambridge, Blackwater, Hoopers Island, Crapo, Bucktown)

Big Lizz, Spirits of the Enslaved in the endless farm fields of Dorchester, Wildman of Crocheron, the Missing Souls of Wingate, Seven Gates of Hell, Phantom Coffins near Taylors Island, and UFO sightings in Blackwater. Plus “Mary’s Ghost” at Old Salty’s, and a complete history of Harriet Tubman, her birthplace, and escape routes on the Underground Railroad.

Trail of Sorrows
(Denton, Preston, Patty Cannon, Woodland)

Underground Railroad, Denton Jail, Maggie’s Bridge, Patty Cannon, Marshall Price’s Grave. Take a walk through Linchester Mill and its grounds – the last crossing on the Underground Railroad – plus the most haunted property on the Eastern Shore – the DENTON JAIL. Also learn about the town that was isolated and abandoned during a small pox break out and the murderous leaders of that town.

Haunted Crossroads of Delmarva
(Salisbury, Furnace Town, Snow Hill )

Poplar Hill Mansion, Firehouse Headquarters, Wicomico Courthouse, Furnace Town, Holloway Hall, Warren Mansion, and 2 Graveyards. Walk the haunted grounds of Furnace Town inside the most haunted forest in Maryland. Stand on the grounds of three murders and hear about the spirits of the enslaved at the oldest home in Salisbury.
PRICE INCLUDES admission costs for entry to Poplar Hill Mansion and Furnace Town Living Heritage Museum.

For more information, Call the Ghost Phone Today 443.735.0771

Consulting Services for Crafting a Ghost Tour for Your Town.

Learn how to design your own ghost walk representing your town’s population and culture. A well crafted ghost walk will attract visitors, tourism dollars, and enhance your town’s assets for destination marketing.

Ghost walks, ghost tours, and paranormal investigations are hot tourist attractions with not near enough supply to meet the demand. The cable television guide shows something on ghosts every hour of every day. The fascination with ghosts, spirits and the afterlife hasn’t been this popular since Victorian times, and ghost tours can be fun family entertainment that appeals to locals and visitors alike.

Create a Revenue Stream for Your Town or Non-profit

Chesapeake Ghost Tours will work on a consultant basis to help your non-profit design a ghost tour focused on your destination. While attracting visitors to the locality and educating the locals on local history and folklore, your ghost walk can also create a revenue stream that will fund your non-profit or Destination Marketing Organization.

Organizations that sponsor and run ghost tours include Municipal Governments, Arts Councils, Historical Societies, Chambers of Commerce, Main Street Organizations – and even Volunteer Fire Companies. Our consultant will provide you with a customized ghost tour that is well-researched and designed to fit the culture of your community. The consultant will lead the newly designed walk for your community stakeholders upon completion of the contract, leaving you with a written walk and support materials .
(Level 1 contract)

Our consultant are also available to provide more in-depth services that include recruiting, training and motivating ghost walk guides (Level 2 contract), and marketing the ghost walk (Level 3 contract)

Intellectual Property: Chesapeake Ghost Walks will be providing contractual services as work for hire and will not retain any intellectual property rights to your ghost walk.  Resources will be cited in the written ghost walk, but the Intellectual Property rights to the written walk will be held solely by the client.

FUNDING: Staff from Chesapeake Ghost Tours can suggest resources for funding, and grants that may be available to non-profits and local governments that could defer or offset costs of retaining our services.


Chesapeake Ghost Walks offers three levels of assistance that are incremental. The first level provides the client with turn-key ghost walk ready implement. The second level provides assistance with recruiting and training ghost walk guides, and the third level provides marketing assistance for promoting the ghost walks. Each level is dependent on the previous level, therefore they must be contracted in order.


  • Consultant will visit your town, help you gather the information needed to build the ghost tour by identifying your town’s haunted sites, researching folklore, legends and stories, and conducting interviews with locals thus helping to flesh out the tour.
  • Consultant will provide a written framework for logistics that includes partnering with local government jurisdictions to ensure safety and compliance, mapping out the walk, and getting proper permissions from property owners to include the site on the ghost walk.
  • The consultant will propose a design that includes sites and stories and will present it to several focus groups that include town stakeholders to identify strengths and weaknesses in the ghost tour design.
  • The consultant will work with you to finalize the sites on the tour, and will then write out the walk, draft some support materials, and perform the tour live.


  • The consultant will help you develop a customized Guide Assistance Program for your town. This program will show how to identify ghost tour guide candidates, hire guides and / or recruit volunteer guides. The program will also discuss pay scales for guides, incentive programs, and selecting the best tools for your guides to use. The program will also include guide training and monitoring guide capabilities.
  • The Guide training program will be complete with training presentations, a written manual, and support materials.
  • The consultant will also train on how to retain guides, keep them motivated, and how to inspect guides’ performances without intimidating them.
  • The consultant will share ideas on setting high standards for guides, devising a recognition program, and developing a structure for certification.


  • The consultant will offer guidance on branding the walk based on the ghost stories, haunted sites, town culture, and profiles of ghost walk guests in the town’s target markets. This brand identity will include a logo that can appear on rack cards, posters, business cards, websites, social media, and other promotional items.
  • The consultant will help design and build an easy-to-navigate website that informs potential guests about the ghost walks, the dates, times, cost of tickets, and information on how to register for the tours.
  • The consultant will provide an outline for the best practices when using social media platforms to market your town’s ghost tours. This will include Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and blogging.

For more information on pricing and the level that is best suited for your needs, please call our Ghost Phone at 443.735.0771 or email us at

Tripadvisor Traveler Rating
1,193 reviews
Tripadvisor Ranking
#1 of 2 Tours in Salisbury
Recent Traveler Reviews
  • “i was scared”
  • “Mary's Tour. Do it!!”
  • “Super fun and entertaining”
  • “St Michael’s is Haunted!”
  • “Ghost Tour Cambridge MD with Ryan”

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