Vance Miles House

Contact Chesapeake Ghost Walks

Contact Us

Chesapeake Ghost Walks
Salisbury, MD 21804
GHOST PHONE 443.735.0771

If you have questions about the tours or issues with tickets please call the Ghost Phone at 443.735.0771 or email us at

76 thoughts on “Contact Chesapeake Ghost Walks

  1. Happy Holidays!! Just wanted to drop a note to you that the description for the Princess Anne tour 1-24-15 seems to be the same as Easton’s. Hope you have more tours this winter as we want to attend. Happy New Year and hopefully we will see you soon. Betty & Ray

    1. Hey there, Betty. Happy holidays to you too. I’m not sure where you’re seeing the description. I checked the two pages on the website and they are different – each describing the appropriate tour. Is there somewhere else on the site that I’m missing? Thanks for keeping us on our toes. Hope to see you and Ray soon.

  2. Can you send me more information about these tours– where they begin and when, costs, what is included in tour, etc.
    Please send more information on the books available and costs.

    1. Hi Sherrill. We don’t have any printed material, but all of the information you are requesting is right here on our website. All of the Ghost Walks are $15 for adults and $9 for kids. The bus tours are $29 per person. You can go to the link that says OUR TOWNS which is and see links for all of the towns and the descriptions of the ghost walks and what is involved. If you have any additional questions you can reach us on the ghost phone. 443.735.0771

  3. Hi there, can you tell me which walks are your scariest? I would love to attend.

    1. Hi Laura. The Princess Anne walk is probably the scariest. We don’t allow children on that walk because of the harsh content. Berlin, Cambridge and Easton have a lot of guests get anomalies in their pictures. Hope this helps.

  4. Hi – just read your very interesting online story about the Vance Miles house ghost(s). Vance Weldon Miles is my 1st cousin, 2X removed. I descend from his uncle, Alonzo L. Miles. Just wanted to let you know that the birth date you cite for Vance is incorrect. He was actually born Dec. 5, 1881 (source: 1900 US Census, WWII enlistment record). His grave stone in St. Paul’s Cemetery does lists his birth/death as 1882-1950. So, that may account for the confusion. I was born in Salisbury and now live in Annapolis. Sorry I missed the October dates for the house tour, but I’ll be sure to plan ahead next year. Hopefully, you’ll still be offering them. All of your tours sound very interesting!

    if you’d like more information about Vance’s family, please let me know. I have been doing my genealogy for about 8 years now and have my line for the Miles family fairly well covered.

    1. Thanks for posting such interesting information, Tim. I’d love anything you have on Vance Miles and his family. I’d particularly like to know who lived in the house before Vance and his family. I’m assuming it was a Miles because this was all Miles property. Thanks for reaching out.

  5. Hi, I’m wondering if you’ve ever thought of doing a walking tour through Mardela Springs? I live here and would love to see this happen! Andy knows who I am, I live in the big brick house on Main street. I’ve just opened up a Fine Art and Antiuqes store in our brick rancher which sits behind our home on Main street, 103 Fire Protection Road is the address.
    My number is 410-219-9193
    I am involved with the Adkins Historical group and the Westside Historical group!
    Thank You,
    Patty Parks

    1. Hi Patty. We are so swamped doing 10 walks right now – and this is just our first year. We have plans to add Oxford and Bethany Beach and perhaps Chincoteague, but that will probably max us out.

      That’s not to say we couldn’t do a “special” couple of walks next year and feature Mardella. I’ll be happy to keep it in mind and contact you if we can work that in. Thanks so much for reaching out.

  6. We are staying at the Atlantic House B&B arriving on Friday October 24th. Myself and a friend will be coming down early in the day. Our spouses will come after work from PA.
    My friend and I will purchase tickets in advance. If our husbands make it in time, can they pay you at the start of the walk?
    We know Josephine talked about changing the walk time. We do not want you to have to do that. With Friday evening traffic on route 7, there is no guarantee they will make it even if you change time. Just checking if they can pay that evening.

  7. although i understand that u r doing a Snow Hill tour, i could tell u many a story of a house that me and my ex-wife that i once owned in Stockton, MD. i realize that this may sound weird, but i actually am squeamish typing this to you. it took me many years to lose the spirits that i know followed me. i will not drive past the house.

    1. Hey Kristy. Sorry I didn’t see this comment earlier, but for the sake of others who may read it …. children under eight are free and yes they are allowed so long as their parents are sensitive to the other guests. The only exception at this point is Princess Anne. No children – 12 and under are permitted on that tour due to its harsh content.

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